Category: Latin/Hispanic Cuisine
Puerto Rican Style Corned Beef
I’m an American with a melting pot in my personal gene pool; some of which is Puerto Rican thanks to my mom. My dad gave me a cool anglo mix of English, Irish, and German. This means I can cook and dance in all kinds of languages – just don’t ask me to speak them all. This…
Mexican Grilled Corn
I love grilling season and since I live in Florida that’s pretty much all year. It wasn’t always that way. I used to live up north in the frozen tundra of Michigan which has about 6 months of normal grilling season (unless you’re one of those die-hards who grills from your garage after you’re done…
Cuban Guava Pastries – Pastelitos de Guayaba
Of the many reasons that I love living in Florida, the authentic quality and diversity of world cuisines is close to the top of my cultural list. You could eat food from every continent and most countries and only travel up to 20-30 minutes from home. Most places give a cultural feel with the music…
One Pan Mexican Quinoa
There seems to be a new obsession with short food videos on social media, especially Facebook. Videos made by Tasty, Buzzfeed, and Tip Hero are bringing food porn to a whole new level. We like and share them thinking, “What a great idea. I need to try this,” but rarely follow through and make it.…